How do I use the Spreadsheet Template?

Thinking of creating a spreadsheet from scratch? Save time and download our template to get started, or use it as a reference. Here's a breakdown of what goes in each column—all of which are optional except for the primary guest’s name.


  • Name (Required): Enter the primary guest’s first and last name.
  • Plus One: If you’re allowing the primary guest to bring a plus one, or want to include their partner, enter “Yes,” “Y,” or the plus one’s name here. If not, enter “No,” “N,” or leave this blank.
  • Email Address: Enter the primary guest’s email here. (We recommend addingthis if you don’t have their mailing address, so you can email them a link to fill out our handy form.)
  • Phone Number: Enter the primary guest’s phone number here. (We recommend adding this if you don’t have their mailing address, so you can text them a link to fill out our handy form.)
  • Street Address 1: Enter the primary guest’s mailing address.
  • Street Address 2: If necessary, enter additional address info for the primary guest (eg. suite number, apartment number, floor number, etc.).
  • City: Enter the city in the primary guest’s mailing address.
  • State/Region: Enter the state in the primary guest’s mailing address.
  • Postal Code: Enter the zip code in the primary guest’s mailing address.
  • Additional Guest 1: If you’d like to invite another person in addition to your primary guest and their plus one as a group, add their name here. Keep in mind all "additional guests" will be labeled as children to your guest list.
  • Additional Guest 2: If you’d like to invite a second additional guest, add their name here.

You can add or remove as many columns as you want before you upload. You can also rename any of the columns in the first row. However, make sure you start your guest list in the second row.

Working from the app?

We don't have an option to upload a spreadsheet in the app just yet, so be sure to use a computer for these edits and uploads!

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