How do I turn off auto-renewal on my domain?

If you no longer need your domain, you can cancel your auto-renewal with GoDaddy in just a few steps:

  1. Log into the Zola domains under GoDaddy Domain Control Center
  2. Click on 'Manage All'

Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 4.53.56 PM

  1. Filter by Auto-Renew in the event that you own multiple domains
  2. Choose the domain(s) you want to turn Auto-renew off and click on the "On" button

Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 5.03.36 PM

  1. A pop-up will appear stating you are agreeing to turn off auto-renew and could lose your domain if you don't renew by the expiration date. Select to continue and you will get a success message

Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 5.04.47 PM

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